Jacob Damant
Student. Athlete. creator. 

My name is Jacob Damant, and I am a second-year engineering student at the University of Alberta.

An aspect of engineering particularly intriguing to me is its applicability for everyday technologies and the corresponding benefits. Today, medical technologies are used regularly and casually, yet have critical importance for the quality of life of nearly everyone. The importance and direct impact involved with medical innovations are what led me to pursue biomechanical engineering.

I also strive to develop my knowledge and experience outside of the classroom through extracurricular activities. On-campus, I am partaking in a student group startup, professor-guided research, and student government positions. Off-campus, I am an athlete, innovative hobbyist, and coach.

Current Education

This includes my most relevant in-class education, academic performance, and awards. 

BSc. in Biomedical Mechanical Engineering (2019 - present)

,Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

  • Accepted into Biomedical Engineering COOP program, 2020
  • Year 1 GPA of 3.9, 2019-2020
  • George Grover Leadership Scholarship ($10,000), 2020
  • University of Alberta Undergraduate Scholarship ($1,500), 2020
  • Jason Lang Scholarship for Academic Excellence ($1,000), 2020
Alberta High School Diploma (2016 - 2019)

Ross Sheppard High School, Edmonton, AB

  • Achieved Honors With Distinction, 2016-2019
  • Application average of 95.5%, 2018-2019
  • Iron Standard Entrance Scholarship ($5,000), 2019
  • Alexander Rutherford Scholarship ($2,500), 2019

Work experience

My previous jobs have provided by with a variety of skills and experience not common to many other students my age. Everything I have learned will play a role in all of my future job experience.

COVID-19 Diagnostic Research (2020 - present)

I am currently working under Dr. Robert Burrell on a a series of tests surrounding the use of thin-film membranes to detect specific antibodies. These antibodies are most easily obtained through urine or blood samples. By observing different colours associated with an antibody’s presence, the test can be used to visually detect whether a specific antibody was in the sample tested. 

The application of the above observations and experiments that I am primarily focused on is creating a diagnostic device for COVID-19 testing. To do this, I use CADD software to create and 3D print a user-friendly device with the thin-film membrane technology installed and ready for use. Other aspects to consider include obtaining and collecting the blood/urine. 

Besides the COVID-19 diagnostic, I have also spent time developing a device used to detect miscellaneous proteins at extremely low concentrations (femto mol/L). 

Through these projects, I have developed many skills and gained experience outside of the research specifically. This includes, but is not limited to: improving my CADD design and FDM 3D printing knowledge, learning how to anodize, and receiving training in the nanoFAB facility.   


Sunridge Downhill Alpine Ski Racing Coach (2017 - present)

For the majority of my life I have been a downhill alpine ski racer, and have qualified as a U16 Team Alberta athlete in the 2016/17 season. After leaving the sport, I decided to coach young athletes to ski race for the Sunridge Alpine Ski Team. My goal was to train and inspire athletes much like my past coaches had. 

As a ski coach, I am responsible for a handful of kids between the ages of 10-12. On a regular basis, this includes demonstrating how to do drills that target specific ski technique, setting courses, and reviewing video footage of training. At races, a coach’s ability of keeping organization is especially tested as there is a strict race schedule to be maintained. 

Through this job and the experiences associated with it, I have learned many crucial skills one would not find in many job settings or school. Everyone learns in their own unique way. This means for me to learn how to coach in a variety of methods, which greatly affects my communication skills and readiness to adapt for other learning techniques. Through keeping training and race organization, I am also vastly developing my capability to be a leader and manage others. 



Project Portfolio

Below are several of my past and current projects I am particularly passionate about.

Level 7 (2019 - present)

Level 7, representing the seventh recycling code ‘other’, is a student group dedicated to being the ‘other’ form of recycling on campus at the University of Alberta. The goal of Level 7 is to reduce local plastic waste by collecting, processing, and manufacturing plastic waste into useful products for students, local businesses, and the community. Ultimately, we wish to inspire others to make a difference through innovation in the global plastic crisis as this is an issue that requires a global effort.

I am a co-founder of this group and have spent the last year working with the other Level 7 members towards making our vision a reality. Although we have secured some funding, we are still in the preliminary phase. This includes applying for more grants, obtaining laboratory space, and gaining faculty support. This is a project I wish to pursue throughout my undergraduate degree, but hopefully will outlast my stay at the University of Alberta. 

To learn more about Level 7, read our preliminary proposal below.



Chillfog (2019 - 2020)

I am co-founder of a startup called Chillfog, a 3D printing company that specializes in FDM printed bongs. While the topic of cannabis and its uses are controversial, Chillfog approaches cannabis with strictly an engineering mindset.

Being a team of creative engineering students, Chillfog views bongs not entirely as a tool for marijuana use, but as an opportunity for a technology to be further optimized. Through months of research and 3D printing, we experimented with different bong designs and printing techniques. Chillfog quickly gained recognition at a local level and was known as a daring company surrounding innovation and determination.

Ultimately, the goal of Chillfog was not to sell bongs but to act as a learning opportunity in an outrageous and entertaining manner. Through this endeavor, I became an experienced FDM and resin 3D printing user, while also gaining enormous amounts of experience in CADD design and slicer software. While Chillfog was a primitive and small scale startup, I believe it provided me with my first experience working like an engineer. 


ESS GEER Week Coordinator (2020 - 2021)

This year I am a GEER Yeer Coordinator for the University of Alberta. This is a modification to the normal GEER Week, as now there will be engineering events hosted all year instead of just one week. I will be involved in event organization, sponsorship outreach, and general outreach for events.

Through this position, I hope to gain more more leadership-based skills, including group organization, effective communication, and general creativity. 

Skills and Training

Below are my most relevant skills and training.

Fusion 360 CADD Design / SketchUp

Two years of CADD design experience, particularly in Fusion 360. I have applied this skill for research, start-up products, and personal projects. Five years of SketchUp experience, mostly on school projects.

Simplify 3D / Cura

Two years of experience using Simplify and Cura, a 3D slicer software used for FDM and resin printing. I have applied this skill for research, start-up products, and personal projects.

Excel / Google Sheets

Three years of significant spreadsheet use. I have been heavily using excel / google sheets for many of my start-up projects. I have learned the benefit of organized documentation for an efficient work space.

MatLab Coding

One year of experience using MatLab. I have used this program primarily for school assignments, and on a few minor personal projects.

Anodizing Training

Four months of experience. I have been trained to anodize on silicone wafers sputtered with aluminum and tantalum. This technique was used for creating a thin film on a wafer with a variable refractive index. 

NanoFab Training

I have received the introductory training for operating in the NanoFab facility at the University of Alberta. This includes proper safety precaution, as well as general operation procedures.

Alberta Alpine Level 1 Coaching Certification

Three years of coaching experience. I have taken the Level 1 course required to coach alpine ski racers. This involved a written test and a skills test.

Student Group Leader Orientation: Finances

One month of treasurer experience for Level 7. i have taken this training in order to be the treasurer of Level 7, which includes mamaging transactions and banking, referencing and editing the budget, and recording / reporting fixed expenses.

University of Alberta Event Organizer Training

Two months of being a GEER Week coordinator. I have completed the required training for hosting any event associated with the University of Alberta. 


Years of downhill alpine ski racing

Years of Bike Racing

Years of Classical Guitar

Let’s Start Something new

Feel free to reach out to me for any reason.